Friday, July 12, 2013

The Big 1

Autumn had her first birthday last week.  I can't believe that she's already one.  Time flew by so quickly, but at the same time I can hardly remember a time that we didn't have her in our family.

Here are some pictures of our birthday celebrations.

Dillon's mom sewed Autumn this beautiful birthday dress...

She got to open presents...

And we ate cake...

And I went a little crazy and took one hundred pictures that all looked exactly the same...

And we went to CALIFORNIA!!!! and had a blast.
We went to the beach and watched the fireworks...

We went to Disneyland and California Adventure where I did a terrible job taking pictures because I was too busy having a ton of fun...

 Autumn got a little loopy from eating too many veggie straws.

We had never seen World of Color before so this was an awesome treat.  It was incredible.

 We had so much fun on our trip and it was even better because we got to go with our friends, Krystin and Felipe.  We were absolutely exhausted by the time we got back.  I can't wait until we get to go again.  What a great trip and a great birthday!

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