Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Family Pics

One of the best parts about being a stay at home mom is that I have lots of time to learn new hobbies.  My newest project is photography.  I really want to learn how to take amazing pictures.  I took a one day class at Dixie State to learn the basics about my camera and photography.  For my birthday this year Dillon bought me an awesome new lens for our camera and other equipment like a tripod.  Over the Christmas holiday our family was all together so I took some family pictures of everyone.  It was my first attempt at taking pictures like these, but I think some of them turned out all right.  I need to figure out how to take pictures outside in direct sunlight.  I couldn't seem to figure it out  Either everyone was in shadows or they were staring straight into the sun.  The blinding reflection from the snow didn't help either.  I guess that's why I'm just going to have to practice, practice, practice!


  1. I think they turned out so great! I'm impressed!

  2. Nice photos! I haven't done much photography outdoors but from what I understand it's all about location and timing. If it's midday you should aim to get everyone in even shade, like behind a wall or something. Or take them at sunset.
