Sunday, January 13, 2013

Autumn's First Bite

Autumn's eating solids!
I don't know what her problem is.  I love rice cereal. ;)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Best Worst Best

When I was growing up my mom and I would always do something we called "best, worst, best." When she tucked me in at night we would tell each other the best part of our day, the worst part of our day, and then another best (because you have to have more bests than worsts). It was a tradition that I always looked forward to and I always loved, so Dillon and I have continued it in our marriage and I'm exited to do it with Autumn someday. I thought I'd share my best worst best for today.

Best - Shopping at Costco. I bought Autumn another pair of cozy, fleecy pajamas. And these ones are covered with cupcakes. Yum. Nothing makes me happier than buying baby girl clothes.

Worst - I ate too much pizza for dinner and it gave me a tummy ache.

Best - Dillon and I started deep cleaning, organizing and purging all of our storage. Plus I cleaned up both the living room and the kitchen before bed so now I'm going to wake up to a clean house tomorrow. Awesome.

Try this tradition with your family. It's pretty fun and cathartic and its nice to find the bests of your day even when you've had a rough one. Mom, if you're reading this: what was your best worst best?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lately I've been developing a serious case of cabin fever.  One of the best things about living in St George is that when all of my friends from Northern Utah are complaining on Facebook that the temperature is sub-zero, it's still warm enough here that all I need is a long sleeve shirt or a light jacket.  So on Thursday I decided to take advantage of the great weather and take Autumn out on a long walk.  And I mean a LONG walk.

Check it out! Do you see that little 4.6 mi right up there?  Those of you who know me and are acquainted with my intense dislike of all forms of exercise, know that 4.6 miles is no short feat for me. There's a beautiful bike path right near our house that I walked all the way to the end of.  It was beautiful sunny weather.  Autumn was a champ, sleeping half of the way in her stroller while I listened to the Les Mis soundtrack (I'm just daydreaming about going to see the movie soon).  

Just over halfway through the walk we passed a park and as soon as I saw the little baby swings I knew we were going to have an awesome afternoon.

We had so much fun that Dillon, Autumn, and I went back to the park the next day.  Prepare yourselves for an awesome Saturday Morning Picture Montage.