Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A little ingenuity

Autumn is getting too strong for her own good. She's in this stage where she'll only sleep well if she's all swaddled up nice and tightly. If she gets even one hand out she'll wake up and won't fall back to sleep. Lately she's been going from this:

To this (in a matter of fifteen or twenty minutes):

And inevitably she'll have one of her hands shoved deep into her mouth and once she starts sucking all hope of sleeping is out the window. No matter how tightly I try to swaddle her she manages to break free through the layers of Velcro. And every day she seems to get faster and better at it. I tried for a few days to get her to sleep with her arms out, but that was a failed project that resulted a few sleepless nights and extremely bloodshot eyes. So I decided that I needed to find a solution. With Dillon's help we came up with the following solution:

Sleeves! I made sleeves out of a pair of baby pants and sewed them onto her little swaddler (her snuggie as we call it) so that she wouldn't be able to get her hands in her mouth anymore. After a three hour nap I came upstairs to see that she still had both arms in.

Here's Autumn telling you how excited she is about it:


  1. That is pretty darn brilliant! You should market that. That video is so cute!

  2. haha! Look at her face in the first picture! I could die it's so adorable!

  3. She's killing me with her cutness!!! What a sweet voice.
