Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Adios muchacha

Sometimes it's hard being honest. Yesterday UPS dropped off a package from Babies R Us on our porch. It's a power wheels motorized four wheeler toy for a little girl. It was addressed to the people who lived here before us. I don't know where they live now or who they are. I looked up the toy online and it cost $100. It would have been really fun to have for Autumn when she gets a little older. She would have loved it. I could have rationalized that it wasn't my problem that it was sent to the wrong address and just kept it. But I know that if I was in the same situation I would hope that whoever got my package would send it back. That's a lot of money to lose out on. So after being transferred four times to different parts of the Babies R Us customer service line I finally found out that I can just take it back to the UPS store and they'll send it back. I hope it gets to the right people. Moral dilemma averted! I'll miss you Dora.

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